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Expert videos

During the Covid-19 crisis, ZETA Movement did not want to be idle, and has launched a new format on social media. Various experts will speak for a few minutes on a topic.

Psychologist Claudia Crivelli Barella,

Topic: Self-development


During the Covid-19 crisis, ZETA Movement did not want to be idle, and has conducted webinars. In an interactive setting, experts answer questions and discuss together with the participants.

Roger Staub, director of Pro Mente Sana Foundation,

Topic: Recovery

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schmidt (University of Berne),

Topic: Corona crisis

Annette Hitz (Netzwerk Psychiche

Gesundheit Schweiz),

Topic: 10 steps to mental health

Christa Schwab (Responsible Bernese Action Alliance Mental Health at CCD),

Topic: Importance of Mental Health and getting help

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