Our Partners

Global Changemakers is an international youth organisation and global leader in supporting youth-led sustainable development. Their mission is to support youth in creating positive change towards a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable community. They do this by providing skills development, capacity building, mentoring and grants.

The Mental Health Network Switzerland is an association of organisations, institutions and companies that are committed to mental health in Switzerland. The network contributes to improving the mental health of the population in Switzerland. To this end, it offers a platform for actors and their measures in the field of mental health.

The Bernese Alliance against Depression (BBgD) is a cantonal network for improving the care and living situation of people suffering from depression and their relatives as well as for suicide prevention in the canton of Bern. Its goals are improved early detection and treatability of depression as well as the reduction of the suicide rate in the canton of Bern. The alliance is concerned with optimising the care situation in the canton of Berne.

The Pro Mente Sana Foundation, founded in 1978, is committed to helping mentally impaired people in Switzerland. Its services include free telephone counselling on psychosocial or legal issues and, since mid-2015, psychosocial e-counselling by peers and professionals. Pro Mente Sana publishes guidebooks and information brochures on mental illnesses and is the publisher of the magazine "KONTEXT".

The University Psychiatric Services Bern (UPD) is the centre of excellence for psychiatry and psychotherapy in the capital region and one of the most renowned psychiatric hospitals in Switzerland. The UPD offers the entire psychiatric care chain from early diagnosis to outpatient, day-care and inpatient treatment to rehabilitation and reintegration of people with a mental illness.

Pro Juventute is a Swiss foundation that works for children, young people and their families. It provides support in everyday life on any topic that concerns children, young people and parents, and advocates for children's rights.

ensa is the Swiss version of the Australian Mental Health First Aid programme and has been offering mental health first aid courses since 2019. Lay people learn to provide first aid when people in their private and professional environment are experiencing mental health problems or crises. They provide support until professional help takes over. At the same time, first aiders contribute to reducing prejudices against people with mental health problems in our society.

Talking about mental health is worthwhile! The campaign "How are you?" raises awareness and provides concrete tips. Mental illness is something that concerns us all: Every second person suffers from it at some point in his or her life. This is associated with a great deal of suffering, both for those affected and for their relatives, and leads to loss of working hours and health care costs. It is therefore worth investing in the prevention and promotion of mental health.

People with impairments can live an unrestricted life and have a right to do so. They should decide where and how they live, where and what they work, and how they organise their social life as part of society. It is often not their impairments that stand in the way of an unrestricted life. Rather, everyone involved lacks the courage and will to try new things. The #unrestricted campaign tells and shares stories.

ASI-ADOC is an association that promotes knowledge, prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. The association promotes its goals through a website, a Facebook page, courses and public days for the population, self-help meetings, seminars for professionals, publications of specific brochures, participation in radio and television programmes and regular articles in newspapers.

Soli Bern is a project that works to remove the taboos surrounding loneliness among young people in Switzerland. Soli Bern aims to create low-threshold, social meeting places for people affected by loneliness. Its services include exchange, networking and organising events on the topic of loneliness. Soli Bern aims to sensitise society to the issue of loneliness through public relations work.

BeWell.help is a sustainable appointment platform that quickly and easily connects those seeking help with professional mental health providers. With BeWell.help, on-site sessions as well as secure online sessions with e.g. psychologists can be booked directly via the platform and the latter can be held via a secure connection - anonymously and at low cost if desired.

HealthFirst offers a comprehensive range of physical and mental wellbeing services and first aid training in Switzerland and internationally. They pride themselves on providing high quality services based on thorough research and a solid evidence base. All first aid courses comply with the latest Swiss and international guidelines. Health First offers courses for students and teachers.

The Trauma & Dissociation Network is committed to closing the information gap on the topic. The communication of medical and psychological knowledge to those affected and their relatives has top priority. To this end, current research results are prepared in such a way that they are, on the one hand, up-to-date and, on the other hand, also understandable for laypersons. In this way, the network wants patients to gain autonomy and self-competence in dealing with their disease.

ZETA Movement has been working with the Canton of Lucerne since 2023. In concrete terms, ZETA Movement is an official teaching offer that can be booked by teachers on a low-threshold basis. The teaching offers are based on Curriculum 21.

The SNYC is the umbrella organisation of around 60 Swiss youth organisations and represents around 500,000 children and young people. The SNYC's main objective is to act as a mouthpiece for the interests of Swiss youth at both political and public level. ZETA Movement has been a member of the Swiss National Youth Council (SNYC) since 2023.

Salome Balasso has been committed to destigmatizing mental health crises for years and is a certified peer (Ex-In).

Heart2Heart is the English-language counseling service of 143.