Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Stefanie schmidt
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Schmidt is Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence at the University of Bern. She leads the ambassador workshop and is actively involved in the recruitment of new ambassadors.

Dr. Tazio Carlevaro
Graduated in Medicine at the University of Zurich and former medical director of the Cantonal Socio-Psychiatric Organization (OSC), for northern Ticino, Dr. Carlevaro is specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive and compulsive syndromes.
In addition, he is a member of the Gruppo Esperti Dipendenze (Addiction experts) of the Canton Ticino, honorary president of the Associazione della Svizzera Italiana per i Disturbi depressivi, ansiosi e ossessivi compulsivi (ASI-ADOC, Swiss Italian Association for Depressive, Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders), member of the Committee of the Association Ancora of Lugano (Ancora Association of Lugano), and honorary member of the Gruppo Azzardo Ticino-Prevenzione (GAT-P, gambling prevention). Recognized professional at the national and international level, it is an honor for ZETA Movement to be able to count him among the experts it relies on.
Christa Schwab
Christa Schwab is Program Manager Mental Health in the Health and Sports Department of the Canton of Lucerne (operational responsibility for the cantonal action program "Mental Health in Children and Adolescents"). Christa Schwab studied Philosophy and Social Anthropology at the University of Fribourg (Major: Ethics and Political Philosophy) and holds a CAS in health systems from the Universities of Basel, Bern, Zurich. Christa Schwab has 9.5 years (12-21) experience in advocacy for affected persons in the Canton of Bern. At the Cantonal Conference of Disabled People in Bern she was responsible for the Bernese Action Alliance for Mental Health. Within this framework she was involved in the promotion of mental health, the further development of psychiatric care and represented the interests of those affected. She was 2 years (17-19) project leader peer work at Pro Infirmis and is since 8 years (13-21) member of the commission psychiatry health and social and integration directorate canton Bern. She has also been co-president of EX-IN Switzerland for 1 year (20-21).

Dr. Michele Mattia
Dr. Michele Mattia is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Owner of a private practice in Italian Switzerland and president of Asi-adoc (Association of Italian Switzerland for Anxiety, Depression and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders). Professor at the University San Raffaele (Milan) and at the University of Insubria (Varese), Dr. Mattia is among others also Member of the editorial board of the Newsletter of the WACP (World Association of Cultural Psychiatry) and Co-founder and Member of the Swiss Society for Anxiety and Depression (SSAD). Major fields of interest include Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Psychosomatics, Somatoform Disorders, Cultural Psychiatry, Individual Family and Systemic Therapy, and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).