ensa course
ensa is a project of the Swiss foundation Pro Mente Sana (https://www.promentesana.ch/de/startseite.html) and offers a "first aid course" for mental health, which is organized on the basis on scientific findings. With this course it is possible for inexperienced people to help a close person experiencing mental difficulties. Whether this is at the onset of mental difficulties, but also in the event of a worsening of the condition or an acute mental health crisis. The course is conducted by trained instructors and provides a basic knowledge of mental disorders and shows concrete measures to help.
Thanks to a cooperation with Pro Mente Sana, ZETA Movement members have the opportunity to attend the ensa course with a massive discount. Our members receive a discount of CHF 290.-. The standard course only costs CHF 90.- and the course with focus on young people CHF 160.-.
ZETA Movement fully supports the idea of ensa and recommends all members to attend such course. The basic knowledge about mental health reduces stigmatizing behavior and strengthens the confidence in one's own ability to help, which also strengthens one's own mental health. For more info on ensa, visit https://www.ensa.swiss/en/.
To get the discount code, please contact us directly via mail at info@zetamovement.com.